40Friends 45Fans
female Miami, FL, United States
I'm a freelance copywriter with a background in PR. Love to read, write (obviously), travel and meet new people. Also want to practice my Portuguese (or 'Portanol') and Spanglish.
16 years ago
"Mami, el carro is broken." My 4-year-old who's supposed to be learning Spanish from me. Poor kid's speaking Spanglish.
16 years ago 1
No cute Plurkfail image...They have the job instead
BarbBC is
16 years ago
trying Pandora (s_music)
BarbBC is
16 years ago
going emoticrazy (s_bye) (s_high_five) (s_good_luck) (s_music)... before my karma drops to under 25 again, lol!
BarbBC is
16 years ago 5
plurking (s_dance) Just 'cause I can now
BarbBC is
16 years ago
planning a trip to Disney
16 years ago 2
How long is a plurk? Why do some plurks 'show' more text than others?
BarbBC says
16 years ago
happy 4th of July everyone! :-)
BarbBC wishes
16 years ago
the 'terrible threes' were over already and her son would go to sleep.
BarbBC is
16 years ago
learning affiliate mktg. Anyone an affiliate?