35Friends 31Fans
male Kaohsiung, Taiwan
15 years ago
前晚宿醉後 昨天一整天一直很想吐 撐到下班就整個狂吐 噁心死了我
15 years ago
宿醉一直讓我想吐 昨天喝醉靠自己意志力回家= =
15 years ago
I got drunken so serious ...since I drankek too much beer in the reunion of the staffs of the whole beverage shop
15 years ago
『全裸 也不怕被看光光』
15 years ago 5
塔羅 事業運跟金錢 $.$
15 years ago 7
我因為工作我都忘了吃東西了= =
15 years ago 4