oh boy...no water today. Crews working.
our coffeemaker died last night. Need new one; must be programmable and thermal carafe.
autumnal asthma is upon me.....
UkeHubby took BalletDaughter to school so I could recover from the drive yesterday. I love my hub.
off to Folsom/Roseville today through Sunday. Hate the drive; enjoy the area.
I looked on Rav-does anyone have a stitch pattern resembling bees? Going to make fingerless mitts with YarnPirate's Killer Bees yarn!
so sorry about the death of Mary Travers. I got to see Peter, Paul & Mary about 13 years ago. LOVE them.
going to make chicken parmesan for dinner tonight. With roasted (home grown) potatoes and organic long beans.
cleaning house to Bob Marley music is perfect! Dance and clean!
oh boy...Pilates reformer class again this afternoon. Pray for me.