1Friends 10Fans
male Heimola, Finland
Ba2 wonders
15 years ago 3
why all the hero characters in animé are blonde with blue eyes?
Ba2 wonders
15 years ago 5
what Genmai is??? just had green tea with genami flavour kinda strange... not nice :-&
Ba2 wants
15 years ago 10
15 years ago 1
realises that the cost of getting what you want is high... the trick is once you have it you no longer recognise the cost (annoyed)
Ba2 feels
15 years ago 4
spare..... (sick)
Ba2 thinks
15 years ago 2
its amazing how empty Paris is. It feels as if the whole of Frace is holidaying in the south hahah
Ba2 wonders
15 years ago 6
am i on the way to leaving things behind rather than inheriting??
Ba2 feels
15 years ago 6
annoyed - how can my bank be negative 60 when i have sent nothing all week (angry)
Ba2 shares
15 years ago 1
Never Stand Behind a Horse