36Friends 37Fans
female Hutchinson, KS, United States
I am finishing my elementary special education degree, and love to teach. Have a husband and two sons. Do art for pleasure, and have my own website for my sculpture
BLyn wonders
15 years ago
what will you be doing over spring break?
BLyn is
15 years ago 1
inspired after tutoring session with one of Honeymic's students. Sometimes focusing on one student will remind you of why you want to teach!
BLyn is
15 years ago 1
working on sight word strategies.
BLyn is
15 years ago
developing an FBA and feeling uninspired. Might be time to call it a night and work on it again tomorrow when I am more creative.
BLyn is
15 years ago
up and ready to work on new sculpture, though I should be doing lesson plans. Oh well, time for that later!
BLyn is
15 years ago
reviewing phonics software for MacIntosh. Now I know why I am a PC girl. Just not enough selection.
BLyn asks
15 years ago 2
can anyone recommend some phonics software for Macintosh?
BLyn is
15 years ago
up and going on lesson plans. Looks to be a nice warm day!
BLyn is
15 years ago 2
excited! Weiss-Rhodes is coming over from the middle school to do a geology experiment with fourth graders today!
BLyn wonders
15 years ago 5
how HoneyMic is doing today. She's been ill...