108Friends 106Fans
female Netherlands
11 years ago 28
Goodmorning plurk! For me another day of packing the boxes Have a lovely day all!!!
11 years ago 11
wow I haven't been around much last few months and I lost about 30 plurk friends lol
11 years ago 9
Hi plurk, how y'all doing!
Gos says
11 years ago 20
What began as a good start ends in a struggle to staying alive... After 5 days of detox, my daddy was transported to the hospital with
11 years ago 13
Goodmorning plurk I have a urgent question.. You know when you select something on your screen and it takes a picture of that selection emediately? What is that called again? I need to dl it but forgot the name
11 years ago 24
I have no words for what happened today... after 50 years of heavy alcoholism my father finaly agreed to go to rehab! I brought him there this morning, he hasn't been out doors for over 6 months and didn't eat
11 years ago 4
So if someone does this anonimous plurking and you don't like it, it is imposible to block him/her right? That kinda sucks no? (annoyed)
Gos shares
11 years ago 5
Carnival in the south of Holland https://images.plurk.com/hju25eu5CnWMWLCX6qjoD.jpg
11 years ago 4
My zumba lessons are gonna stop, so tonight and next wednesday and then I have to wait a few months before I can start again when I moved. I'm gonna miss it here tho :-(
11 years ago 10