Auryn Beorn
292Friends 146Fans
female Black Tulip, Second life
Cheese is my shiny and a good reason for divorce.
Old enough to be cynical to the core. Little bit of a prankster.

Black Tulip Virtual
Not your average teacher
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 4
Nothing says "getting old" as preparing a cup of coffee and leaving it at home without drinking it.
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 4
There's nothing like the smell of paperwork in the morning to wonder if 2017 is indeed past us or not.
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 4
A collection of 15 stamp sheets just arrived. I may have a stamp collecting problem. They gave me an extra one and an inkpad. Yay.
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 1
Now resizing them... I know, I'm slow!
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 1
Better with a bit of color.
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 2
It worries me when the first question after someone giving me a link is "how did you get there?"
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 11
In other news, cheese coma finished today at lunch. Someone didn't calculate too well how much cheese she could handle per meal. (That would be me.)
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 11
My new love is the Texture Atlas add-on for Blender
Auryn Beorn
7 years ago 2
WIP for TLC: The Chess Earrings (gacha)