72Friends 71Fans
female Carbondale, IL, United States
Owner of .Luminary. - full of whatever my crazy mind feels like making. Blogger behind /Elements\
Gem Sweater
Augurer says
10 years ago 3
I feel badly for my bloggers getting all this spam of pack after pack so sorry guys.
Augurer says
10 years ago
Check out my interview with for the Fantasy Faire! Meet Our Sponsors - .Luminary.Meet Our Sponsors - .Luminary.
Augurer shares
10 years ago 2
RFL Fantasy Faire teaser #1!
Augurer says
10 years ago 4
Went to go set up naked at an event and there were bloggers there. >.> Oops.
Augurer says
10 years ago
Staying up all night to finish a dress because you want to wear it on your alt the next day #justmasochisticdesignerthings
Augurer says
10 years ago
After spending the better part of the afternoon rigging pants, I now understand why people make pony rider gaps.
Augurer says
10 years ago 8
A film I was in just won an international film festival :-D at last, something good to highlight my crappy week!
Augurer says
10 years ago
Bell's Palsy day 3. Gonna wink at everyone for a long time to hide it and see how many people get real uncomfortable.