17Friends 18Fans
female Medford, NY, United States
I'm a mom of 2 kids, I love being crafty, cake decorating, crocheting, knitting, painting, creating, etc. =D

Thrilled to be a Girl Scout Leader!!!
AtomikJen is
11 years ago
making roasted chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts for dinner. I'm successfully making myself anxious for fall and apple cider. It smells awesome in the house.
11 years ago 1
Good morning all! Today begins with a trip to JoAnns to get fabric for Lily's costume then to he library. Who knows what else? Perhaps a trip to the zoo too! :-D
AtomikJen feels
11 years ago
like today flew by so fast! Saw Father-in-Law with the kiddos, grocery shopping, play place knitting, dinner cooking, chicken chasing, C25K-ing. Hitting the showers then back to declutterpalooza.(gym)
11 years ago Has a weighted blanket of children on me. Long, mostly productive day today. :-)) Feeling sleepy. Gotta run later.
11 years ago 2
Good morning! Hubby took Cookie to the farm. The kids are taking it quite well. They're playing with the others right now. :-))
11 years ago
Can't shake this headache. No soda day 2. For reals. Sigh.
11 years ago
Good morning all. Looking into a solution for a loud chicken who we now think might be a rooster. Not 100% sure but close. :-(
AtomikJen shares
11 years ago
You know you're a mom of a school aged kid when you run into your kid's friend's moms at just about every trip out of the house. Love it!
11 years ago
survived quite well day 2 C25K. Yay!
AtomikJen is
11 years ago
about to restart C25K. God help me. ;-)(heart)