13Friends 8Fans
female Singapore
Dumb yet clever. Understand? (:
iAthirah is
15 years ago
gonna be with you, till' eternity. Maybe? (goodluck)
iAthirah feels
15 years ago
goooood. (cozy)
iAthirah wants
15 years ago
more KARMA! X-(
iAthirah loves
15 years ago
Husband too. ;-)
iAthirah loves
15 years ago
Boyfriend. :-P
iAthirah loves
15 years ago
Plurl ALOOOT. It's kinda useful. Let your feelings out people. B-)
iAthirah is
15 years ago
living a happy life i tell you. :-P
iAthirah has
15 years ago
a new blog song. (music)
iAthirah likes
15 years ago
A. ;-)
iAthirah is
15 years ago
happy. He bought me presents. (LOL)