13Friends 8Fans
female Singapore
Dumb yet clever. Understand? (:
iAthirah will
15 years ago
want to skip school, ONE DAY. (goodluck)
iAthirah is
15 years ago
fvcking bored.
iAthirah wishes
15 years ago
all plurkers a nice day. Goodbye. Haha. ^^
iAthirah loves
15 years ago
texting, ... . (highfive)
15 years ago
changed her blogskin, again. A temporary one ah. ;-)
iAthirah wishes
15 years ago
that he likes her back, PLEASE. (goodluck)
iAthirah is
15 years ago
currently texting guys. Well, they tegur me first. HAHA.
iAthirah hates
15 years ago
HER BLOGSKIN. K N N ! C C B ! (angry) (angry) (angry) X-( X-( X-( (:
iAthirah says
15 years ago
that she lepaked for awhile just now with Fadick, ADE & ANN KHUZAIRI. Ohmygeeeeee. :-&
iAthirah hopes
15 years ago
that HE likes HER back. (goodluck)