Ms Tomsen
136Friends 101Fans
female Second life
I blog sporadically, same with making stuff. RL sickness has taken me away from SL of late, but I'm sure I'll get sucked back in...dont we all :-P
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago 4
ooh so excited, I has tattoo hours booked this w/e!!!
Ms Tomsen shares
12 years ago 2
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago 8
my god I'm so sick of the daily " I dun wanna eat that" battle #pullingmyhairout
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago
powercut, that was nice
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago 6
OMG Jeremy Kyle has gone internationals!
Ms Tomsen says
12 years ago
douchebag fuckface asshole jerkoff tits. That is all.
Ms Tomsen shares
12 years ago