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male Second life
carpe dium 'cause if you don't, it gets away.
15 years ago
Free at Podiobooks .com or hardcover at Amazon. uncommonly good!
15 years ago
If you like real black hole science, quantum physics, etc. you MUST check out Bill DeSmedt's Singularity. Great characters, story, read...
15 years ago
bills and chores and a cold, oh sigh. bills and chores and a cold, oh sigh!
15 years ago
AAHH! Slept and renewed. Happy again. Yay. Now chores galores...
15 years ago
After a disappointing depressing 2 weeks at work, I'm home. And boy is it good. Now I'm just going to sleep for a while. cheers...
15 years ago
Southbound, seat 13A to home. Yabbadabbado! (So happy to be going too.)
15 years ago
Sure enough, I get a gig going that I like at work and as soon as "they" learn I like it. They move me. [sigh]
15 years ago
Wow! I'm now running stationary equipment and just flabergasted that I get Internet access at this drillsite! Saweet! Hope it lasts a while
15 years ago
Why is it when you're doing stuff like leaving for 2 weeks that critters like the washer break with a tub full of dirty water and clothes?
15 years ago
the Bear Paw Festival ends well. Maybe the best weather on record. My FJ1200 was in the cycle show. In 2 yrs it'll be in the antique class!