132Friends 116Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
35, ColdFusion/Flex developer, founder of great conference things and quester for World Potentate status. Married to armchairangel.
13 years ago 1
does NOT want to drive to Omaha… but foot-dragging is even worse. Bleh.
13 years ago
So after the hell we went thru leading up to and getting here, our vacation in Israel is truly rejuvenating!
ArmchairDeity is
13 years ago 2
off to Omaha for most of the week now. Then home for a day and off for 2 weeks starting Friday.
13 years ago 8
Turns out Jenna rearranged her meds & took a half a Zanaflex on top of her Lyrica (muscle relaxer+chronic pain med) for a net effect of ZONK
ArmchairDeity says
13 years ago 2
Jenna's down with a bad fibro day and I'm trying to work and play Mr. Mom. Lizzie's being INCREDIBLY good, I just hope work stays patient.
13 years ago 1
Oh the crazy ups and downs of karma... she's a fickle girl, dwindling with every moment of lost attention.
13 years ago
Hopefully this will be a fucking awesome week!
ArmchairDeity is
13 years ago 2
getting more done using the coffee table for an office than ever did down at the proper desk in the "office". I wonder why that is?
ArmchairDeity has
14 years ago 1
just realized that I've had the same cell phone # since 2003, which is funny because nobody calls me anyway.
ArmchairDeity says
14 years ago
I just checked into the sleep disorder center for a sleep study... ooh ooh ooh too much big fun...