132Friends 116Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
35, ColdFusion/Flex developer, founder of great conference things and quester for World Potentate status. Married to armchairangel.
14 years ago 1
just met with the City's project manager... in our front yard. Looks like our 60' elm will survive the road construction after all!! w00t!
ArmchairDeity is
14 years ago
glad that Wells Fargo has fixed the $70,000 mistake they made on my business account (yes, you read that right)
14 years ago
just got this link from a friend and it rocks!
14 years ago
Just got notice that my iPad _cover_ has shipped from China… but no iPad yet! :-(
14 years ago 3
I have 4 computers on my desk and no room for my coffee!
14 years ago
woohoo! multitasking for teh iPhone/iPad!
ArmchairDeity has
14 years ago 3
reanimated a 5-year-old laptop today by installing new cooling fans. And, frankly, it's still a kick-ass machine, even if it is 4 years old!
14 years ago 2
can't really think of anything interesting to say… so, like… Hi, world. ;-)
14 years ago
took Daisy (the German Shepherd, that is) to see a friend, on a rainy day. And now I can say "I LOVE LEATHER SEATS!!"
ArmchairDeity thinks
14 years ago
that lazy, quiet, rainy days can be the very best of all.