Aprilmae Devin
22Friends 37Fans
female Chapel Hill, NC, United States
Avid Secondlife player, animator deluxe, and all around naughty girl.

Aprilmae Devin wonders
11 years ago 13
who is tagging my non adult poses. This is so annoying! LL took down 22 of my items on MP yesterday because they are not tagged "adult". Thats total BS. Over 90% of my stuff is a adult and is appropriately
Aprilmae Devin feels
11 years ago 4
like "Hump Day" is an appropriate response today. Feel like i have been humped every which way today. Life can be shitty sometimes :-(
Aprilmae Devin says
11 years ago
been off plurk for a while.. Catching up
Aprilmae Devin says
11 years ago 1
I got blogged (by someone other than my darling sim mates) : a Fetish Second Life: # A review animations for submissive in sec...
Aprilmae Devin says
11 years ago 3
I got a new plug and play blue ray player today. OMG Game of Thrones in blue ray is incredible.. watching GOT for the hundred and elevenieth time LOL
Aprilmae Devin is
11 years ago
trying out nPose. Its going pretty well. After all those posing systems i actually paid for, i like the free one! Sheeeshhh
Aprilmae Devin thinks
11 years ago 4
me and Clay may be the only not sick ones on home sim. :-(
Aprilmae Devin is
11 years ago 7
watching HBO's Rome series for the ..ummmm..100th time
Aprilmae Devin says
11 years ago 4
I totally adore Siddean feet and hands but cant wear them on my alt as she is covered in freckles. Any chance for a freckle skin option or am i being a big pain in the ass?
Aprilmae Devin shares
11 years ago 19