I think it would be super fun if Julian somehow had the sniping skills of his reform counterpart still, just applied to like paintball and stuff. So the massive dalton-wide paintball contest gets really interesting when the trio find out and set up camp on the roof of Stuart
Okay but two groups I can never see being friends: Logan and Sebastian, and Kurt and Julian
Also on topic of the Seb vs Lo shenanigans that could happen: Logan doesn't go crazy like he did with Kurt when fighting Blaine. There's no grand gestures, just small, sweet things that let Julian know he's thinking about him.
On the other side of things: Julian coming back and being super nervous that all these guys are gonna hit on him because he was outed against his will to small group, but coming back and being so relieved when no-one else knows.
Me: hey wait what if I did a DmC Au -
Also Me: Dude, there's already a demon killing AU we've got just add elements in come on dude.
It's really funny seeing people who haven't been raised on a semi-constant diet of anime and other eastern media react to the elements used.
One of the things I miss the most from LJ is the writing tables/prompt communities. And like the masterposts of the tables and shit.
but a little more seriously (but still an excuse for Logan looking like a fucking prince riding a horse): Logan gets signed up for equestrian therapy for his anger when he's like 12, and so when he goes to Dalton he's a little more in control of himself and goes riding instead of driving when pissed or he needs to work something out.
(pst Logan in equestrian riding clothing)
okay but it never struck me as funny until like right now that Dick Grayson's name is literally dick yet he's probably the only male superhero that is consistently objectified for his ass