From looking at the Canberra Apple Store's "Express Shopping", I'm guessing their "Black Friday" "Sale" won't actually involve discounts.
Can someone remind me again why one day a year people are suddenly interested in horse racing?
I've got to stop sleeping in on weekends. There are way too many people in this cafe.
They let people play panpipes in public? Near where people are eating? That can't be right.
Seriously, who looks in the compost bin, fishes out discarded fruit, and leaves it for other people to eat?
Well, just ordered a new computer. This should at least buy me time to think about buying more of them. #damnyouApple!
Idea born of watching The Great British Bake Off and arguing with baristas over making TEA!: The Great Brew Off.
Things I learned yesterday: Quiet cafe in the early evening is a good place to work. Busy coffee shop in a mall at lunchtime, not so much.
Those people holding loud personal conversations on their mobiles on the bus do know there are other people here, don't they?
More books in the post. Now all I need is some TEA! to go with them.