Anna Adamant
14Friends 10Fans
female Second life
I am a builder in Second Life and a few other virtual worlds. Mesh making is something I have become passionate about recently. Feel free to say Hi. I am the friendly sort!
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
This is probably of no consequence to anyone but me, but I made a cartoonish pig in Sculptris today that actually resembles the animal I was trying to sculpt! I am so excited about learning to make mesh!!!
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
I'm excited! I am finally learning slowly but surely how to use Blender!!! I made a table and chair set earlier today. Yay!
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
If you like breedables in Second Life, I'll suggest an adorable breedable to you to try. Enchanted Breedables has an adorable enchanted bear that doesn't eat or need sleep & with 300 different coats & 4 sizes.
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
If you are creative and you have any interest in making mesh, you really should try out the program called Sculptris at Pixolgic Home of ZBrush. It is awesome!
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
I just found some shortcuts for using Sculptris! I'm so excited!
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
Anybody else out there using Sculptris to create mesh? I am trying to figure out how to make texture maps for my objects in Sculptris that I can upload to Second Life.
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
Does anyone out there have the name of a good non-networked vendor for content creators?
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
I am looking for any group that would support mesh making through Sculptris. Anybody know of any by chance?
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
Well, my "man statue" I've been working on in Sculptris isn't particularly handsome, but at least the poor guy IS recognizable as human!
Anna Adamant
9 years ago
It's Monday again. Gets running shoes on and starts the race for this week all over again!