10Friends 22Fans
female Carpentersville, IL, United States
Hi! I am a proud Filipino/Filipina and I am from Manila, Philippines. I love art, singing, dancing, writing, photography, ANIME, and MANGA. I am an OTAKU!!/profile.php?id=100001531041378
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
Anyone ever dance in the rain with like shorts and short sleeve shirt with no jacket? 'cuz I did today an dmi reward is a cold! (sick)
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
Back from the dentist :-D
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
(sick)I look like a Freakin' ZOMBIE!! :'-(
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
Neko-chan ~nya~
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
Lol it's raining hard and I never noticed thank to the Amazing ANIME! Person Buying it: WOW! (woot) Me: Yes watch it NOW! (applause)
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
So TIRED! This is why I hate school!!! (:
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
Ja Ne Minna-san I'm goin' now!! (wave)
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
(wave) Ohayo gozaimasu Minna-san! -looks at the time- EEE I gotta Go to school! Ja Ne Minna-san!! (wave)
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
O my god I'm watching House right now while watching Hanasakeru Seichounen. Anyone else watching one of those shows???
Animeprincess says
14 years ago
SOO BORED! can I be when I'm watching Hanasakeru Seishounen right now :-D CHOCOLATEEE :-))