Hi! My name is Amy! I own Amy's Gesture Palace and I love making new friends and laughing. Laughing makes you live longer, true story! Feel free to add me
you know its funny how i'm the bad person but i would never ever speak so nastly to someone and make them feel lower then dirt. EVER, so who's really the mean one
I tell you the devil is good. I was feeling good, working out, got to talk to my mommy this morning, hung out with four, and then...nasty message form chelsea after trying to mend a relationship, lost eric
hmm so apparently apologizing to someone is a bad thing. And having a heart and caring is a bad thing. yes i'm using names chelsea eric so sorry that i care about you and have a hard time letting go.
Well this is a good time to go walking, get bad thoughts and feelings out. There was a reason i stopped plurking for a while. Must have to do with my APOLOGY letter I sent chelsea. seriously geez