Camper Amy
87Friends 28Fans
female Amy's Gesture Palace, SL, United States
Hi! My name is Amy! I own Amy's Gesture Palace and I love making new friends and laughing. Laughing makes you live longer, true story! Feel free to add me :-D
Camper Amy shares
11 years ago 2
lmao mommy falls face first in the mud after loosing tug of war at camp panther rofl! Classic! Camp Panther - Ms. Mindy faces the mud!
Camper Amy says
11 years ago
I'm deleting my plurk account, nothing good comes from it. bye
Camper Amy says
11 years ago 1
you know its funny how i'm the bad person but i would never ever speak so nastly to someone and make them feel lower then dirt. EVER, so who's really the mean one
Camper Amy says
11 years ago
I tell you the devil is good. I was feeling good, working out, got to talk to my mommy this morning, hung out with four, and then...nasty message form chelsea after trying to mend a relationship, lost eric :'-(
Camper Amy says
11 years ago 1
hmm so apparently apologizing to someone is a bad thing. And having a heart and caring is a bad thing. yes i'm using names chelsea eric so sorry that i care about you and have a hard time letting go. :'-(
Camper Amy says
11 years ago
X-( whatever i'm out
Camper Amy says
11 years ago
Well this is a good time to go walking, get bad thoughts and feelings out. There was a reason i stopped plurking for a while. Must have to do with my APOLOGY letter I sent chelsea. seriously geez
Camper Amy says
11 years ago 1
Umm so my ex brother took me off his timeline O.o wow
Camper Amy shares
11 years ago
I am so proud of my latest video of priscilla's spring break vacation. woot. best video yet Priscilla's Spring Break Vacation 2013 - Azure Elega...
Camper Amy says
11 years ago
Why is it when you walk and workout you feel like your body is going to fall apart. screams getting in shape hurts!