Amiec Laskaris
6Friends 0Fans
Amarillo, TX, United States
Blogger, Photographer, and what ever else suits my fancy for the time being until I decide to do something different.
Amiec Laskaris says
7 years ago 5 @Edit 7 years ago
So I have a much cute Bf who makes me laugh especially when he buys random things (like the giant black rooster)
Amiec Laskaris
7 years ago
Figured I would actually post something so here it is a new new thing on the Flickr :
Amiec Laskaris
8 years ago
Good morning, I'm so not wanting to get out of bed today.
Amiec Laskaris
8 years ago
Amiec Laskaris
8 years ago 4 @Edit 8 years ago
feeling naughty