25Friends 15Fans
female DATONEPLACE, OH, United States

Sometimes, I write things.

Sometimes, I RP, in Second Life.

Sometimes, I make poses.

Sometimes, I wear the fleshy face-mask of a man once called Steve, and howl Taylor Swift lyrics at the uncaring moon.
Folly shares
9 years ago
I believe a dark contract with the eldritch Cthulhu, or maybe the devil, was part of the process that allowed this to happen: Behold the horror
9 years ago
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're all chased around by shiny genitals \o/
9 years ago
I'm looking around at the Burlesque event, and there's so many appliers for mesh stuff. And I just realized so many creators probably go through a bottle of whiskey, and sob, when another mesh thing comes out
10 years ago
From now on every time anyone hands me anything, I'm gonna go all grim faced and whisper...I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS. I've played far too much Deus Ex today
10 years ago 2
It's 0 degrees fahrenheit outside and the cold hurts my face. I breathed and my nose hairs froze. I hate this weather
10 years ago 1
A metaphor for RP, and Paragraph posts. A beautiful, dicky, metaphor - [14:16] Seththeheretic Resident: I just thought of... (Plurk Paste)
10 years ago
Somewhere in my washing machine, a mouse lies waiting o___o