You can't change someone. Either accept who they are or start living without them.
I hate it when I'm out with my parents and I see my friends
Don't let past relationships ruin your future happiness. Scars remind us of where we’ve been, not indicate where we are going
I ignore texts. I let the phone ring. It's nothing personal, but some people need to realize that sometimes I don't feel like talking.
attempting to give a fuck... 98%...99%......... ERROR! unable to give a fuck
I saw a baby with a shirt that said "Santa Claus doesn't exist, but it's okay cause I can't read"
If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done.
Fairy tales are more than true not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be defeated
┏(-_-)┛┗(-_- )┓┗(-_-)┛┏(-_-)┓EVERYBODY DANCE NOW
bitch please, my hair dryer's hotter than you