58Friends 96Fans
female Indonesia
Leaving is hurt, but it's the only option for me, and I'm sure my decision is the best for both of us...
Don't worry, I won't regret it.
I really appreciate for you guys who accept my leaving...
Thank you for all of this time...
anchillalalala is
15 years ago
sakit gigi gara2 3 hari ini makanin coklat terus..
anchillalalala says
15 years ago
can't stop listening to EXEC_FLIP_FUSIONSPHERE/.(エグゼク・フリップ・フュージョンスフィア) and トキノスナ XDDDD
anchillalalala is
15 years ago
anchillalalala wants
15 years ago
to die... as soon as possible...
anchillalalala says
15 years ago
Should I die to calm them down? or should one of them die right now so both of them could stop fighting?! geez... parents always selfish...
anchillalalala says
15 years ago
knapa ortu gw brantem terus?
anchillalalala says
15 years ago 2
ouran cepet bgt tamatnya... agak kecewa juga sama ednya..
anchillalalala says
15 years ago
dri pagi smpe skarang cuma makan 2 choki2, 1 bks cha2, sama susu 1 glas...
anchillalalala is
15 years ago
in Chocolate freak-mode... XD
anchillalalala says
15 years ago
AT 3 OST GET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDD