having a dinner with Osaka in Fullis' Deli now (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)
to set a goal for herself, maybe a big one, so she can try with her best _φ(・_・
what can she do during the boring class...
using the Internet on the bus with G1, the Wi-Fi hotspot!
more sleep, or some rest would be fine : )
Sarah will remember their date this noon : )
would like to give many thanks to Amy, for the lovely Stitch and Scrump!
finally finished the book sharing in general English, class A (‧_‧;
大學時期最後悔的事項就屬大一上學期低於80的平均成績了... (;´Д`A
a dinner with 佑 last night. It's good for me to see an old friend again, not to mention the free dinner ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ