12Friends 20Fans
female Second Life, Great Britain (UK)
I's a Scottish Lass with a love for writing/live music/guitar:-)
AllanahTomsen is
16 years ago
struggling to find the motivation for work this morning. Quick cuppa and a cig will hopefully help :-&
AllanahTomsen hates
16 years ago
the fact that new guitar strings need constant retuning (s_angry)
AllanahTomsen wants
16 years ago
a Wall E of her own:-)
AllanahTomsen has
16 years ago
decided that being a furry on SL can be much fun:-)
AllanahTomsen is
16 years ago
about to make eggs, toast, sliced cheese fresh orange juice with some fresh fruit salad at the side for her son's breakfast (s_hungry)
AllanahTomsen is
16 years ago
planning to see wall E at the pics today. Anyone seen it, please comment:-)
AllanahTomsen has
16 years ago
had a wonderful time walking barefoot on the beach:-)
AllanahTomsen thinks
16 years ago
it really would be wrong to plurk for the sake of plurking so will hold off till she has something witty and intelligent to plurk :-D
AllanahTomsen thinks
16 years ago
finding a googlewhack is harder than it sounds
AllanahTomsen has
16 years ago
decided that playing guitar while under the influence of alcohol never quite sounds how it should be, although you ROCK (in your own mind)