182Friends 246Fans
female Indonesia
hi i'm Alika putri permatasari, you can call me Alikaaa or AL. i'm study at Cendrawasih 1 senior high school :-) enjooy my profile
Alikaaacow says
15 years ago 6
do you feel like a man? When you push her around
Alikaaacow is
15 years ago
watching spongebob square pants
Alikaaacow is
15 years ago 3
watching video in youtube
Alikaaacow wants
15 years ago
buy nori at hero with my sister
15 years ago
lebaran sebentar lagi
Alikaaacow feels
15 years ago 10
in the pink :-D
Alikaaacow wants
15 years ago 6
taking a bath, please leave a message okaaay i'll be right there
Alikaaacow is
15 years ago 17
listen beauty and the beast
Alikaaacow wants
15 years ago 9
eat salmon sushi, salmon salad& fresh water
Alikaaacow needs
15 years ago 19
a lot of ice cream, pizza ,takoyaki,dango,sushi and many more hahaha (goodluck) (woot) (mmm)