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female Second life
Alexx thinks
14 years ago
just finished a painting and it's :-D :-Dtime to shop for new furniture!
Alexx thinks
14 years ago
it all comes back to me. I put off doing a re-install cus it's tedius! I do hope it actually does some good. wooot (woot)
Alexx says
14 years ago 1
deleting drive for fresh install. hope my back up is good! :'-(
Alexx says
14 years ago
Posting art events is tedious. I must force the mice to do more of this.
Alexx says
14 years ago
Sunday 7 PM SLT Fall Out Shelter Install At Gruntled Gallery I'm very excited to share this with everyone.
Alexx says
15 years ago 1
o thank god I am on the couch finally
Alexx shares
15 years ago
Re: Your Brains by Jonathan Coulton Song and Lyrics
Alexx thinks
15 years ago
It's time to get butt to work and Paint something
Alexx wonders
15 years ago 1
Am I the only one sorting shoes and shopping in SL?
Alexx shares
15 years ago 1
pub nouvelle twingo