Please post any inspo on this thread for holiday/winter themed items for me to make in bakes-on-mesh! Can be cozy intimates, cosmetics, beauty add-ons, nail art... what would you like to see for the upcoming season in SL?
I'll tell y'all what I told Mr. Metro earlier. Whatever you have to do to process your feelings about this election, even if it's nothing at all, it's okay. Skip the dinner date, the movie night, the coffee with friends. Cozy up. Take more than one bath a day. Buy a slice of cake.
Happy Hallowee-kend! I have a 3 separate special events this weekend: 1. Don't miss the SL Halloween Shop & Hop, where every booth has a free gift 2. The devilishly difficult Spookzilla hunt is back this year, and I have 8 NEW items to find! 3. I'm in the Anthology this round with beautiful HD eyeliners to complete your look (Genus/Lelutka).
NEW for The Anthology: the perfect finishing touch for your makeup look. HD applier eyeliner with materials shimmer for Lelutka and Genus mesh heads. The Anthology is now open!