6Friends 6Fans
okay.. here I am on Plurk! ;-) been thought about using it, yet til now I'm still blank :-P so,here I'm describing about myself, My name is Aimee Cara, U can call me Amata :-D sharin stories, facts, lifes alll.. can do! <3
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
Semoga murah rezeki and success selalu. Mudahan2 our friendship lasts forever i.e. sampai Jannah. Insya Allah.
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
And mudahan mudahan bekekalan dengan HABANG wawan  peace!!
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
happy birthday amy fakhirah!!!!!! have a blast and enjoooooii you day today.. semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki.
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
Semoga pnjang umur, sihat tubuh badan dan bahagia selalu bersama kluarga and tut........ Hahahaha I love you jgn marah
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
Plahan2 kalau jalan atu.. Di dilinggang bebanar. Hahahaha
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
Amoi. Happy 20th birthday
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
and stay jadi baik2..jgn kuat mrh2 k..takut hazwan..hahaha..hazwan sayang amy sangat2..
Aimeecara shares
11 years ago
Hazwan doakan amy murah rezeki..sentiasa dilindunggi oleh allah..di dunia dan di akhirat..Amin.
Aimeecara wishes
11 years ago 1
for him to be there on my 20th birthday... soon.
Aimeecara loves
11 years ago
21th May 2013. Indomee & telur mata lembu jadi satu kenangan indah :-)