5Friends 5Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Quiet, taciturn, reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, tight lipped person who speaks only on painful stimuli
AdamLife says
15 years ago
the shake change has an incredib effect. it's even bettter than the flick change. (woot)
AdamLife says
15 years ago
need to sleep early...can't waste time on plurks (angry)
AdamLife says
15 years ago 4
also learnt how to do the invisible pass :-))
AdamLife says
15 years ago 8
just learnt how to do the elmsley's count
AdamLife asks
15 years ago 6
what will happen if one doesn't use plurk for 3 weeks? how much will the karma fall? :-o
AdamLife says
15 years ago 1
Actually, i feel i'm just typing in a lot of bullshit just so my karma will increase :-D
AdamLife says
15 years ago
Yesterday, I read a bit from the book "Rhetorical Communication" didn't help much XD
AdamLife says
15 years ago
Feeling bored!!!!!!!!!!!! :'-(
AdamLife says
15 years ago 1
hope i can go and eat 鑽木取火 too this evening with 萱萱
AdamLife says
15 years ago 18
Thinking about where i can go today :-o