LOLOL i now knw why u angry lerh la sister LOLOL at last laaaaaaaaaa~
Sometimes, its just t late t change....
Im so shock t see wat i saw <: thanks.
Bby is working now ): but waiting her off work t pei her!!! :B hehehehe<3
Thinking of you right now, missing you so much. Cant wait till friday and meet you! You're a one in a eternity. You can nvr be replace!!
Srsly love bby ttm!!! Can't wait for fri man!!! Ringringring~
Lovelove bby sherlyn only!! Heart 11th<3
It's once again th same. Trying t be th good guy and yet you don't care. I guess I'll just save my energy lerh.
♥ Sherlyn.GXL will be my one and only babygirl! ♥