Ace Albion
15Friends 27Fans
female Second Life :), GA, United States
Blah! Blah blah blah blah blah!
Ace Albion says
11 years ago 3
This week's letter/number combo is E27 Eggs & Gammon.wmv
Ace Albion says
11 years ago 5
Here's how every OSX question seems to go:
Ace Albion shares
11 years ago
The National - Rains of Castamere Just leaving that here (tears)
Ace Albion says
11 years ago 4
Saw Star Trek at the weekend. I came out thinking it was "meh". Thinking about it since, I've decided it was a pile of steaming bilge. The only up-side for new Star Wars is if Abrams can't be worse than Lucas.