初押00 Karma: 20.44
not stating / other
- Crack, Castle of glass
北風 Karma: 7.69
not stating / other
- Nightmare, Bottom of endless dream
⋛甲霸走不緊⋚ Karma: 57.59
not stating / other
- 賈霸牧場, 武嶺, Taiwan
寶牛 Karma: 84.03
not stating / other
- Taiwan
四分庭園 Karma: 34.93
not stating / other
- Taiwan
薑%?%??花 Karma: 84.51
not stating / other
- Taiwan
LRIA Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Hong Kong
艾比兔 Karma: 95.68
not stating / other
- Taiwan