5Friends 0Fans
female shueishang, Taiwan
Positive is my logo.
Be happy is the way how i live .
Smile all the time might be a crazy , but i do love doing that the most.
though,i've been a senior high school student now, i still like to be child-hood
13 years ago 2
我會不會有了FB忘了噗?? (unsure)
AKI_wears_happiness 話す
13 years ago
fb 和plurk同步有點累 (sick)
AKI_wears_happiness 話す
13 years ago
拿著吉他 不知道為甚麼眼淚就掉了
AKI_wears_happiness 願う
13 years ago
AKI_wears_happiness 願う
13 years ago
希望這次期末成績順利 (tongue)
AKI_wears_happiness 話す
13 years ago
AKI_wears_happiness 好き
13 years ago
等下想要去看''愛情藥不藥''(K) 安海瑟威太美啦 ! (dance)
AKI_wears_happiness 話す
13 years ago
考完了!!!!!! (K) 地理好難啊! :'-(
AKI_wears_happiness 話す
13 years ago
話說明天還有一天要考試 我還掛在PPS看RM (unsure)
AKI_wears_happiness 話す
13 years ago
還有一天!! Go!Go! 怎麼這麼熱 (dance) (dance)