to celebrate ahlings birthday right now sial! lol!
whatever it is, what i heard isn't true& things will be alright soon!
those things that those people tell me& now things become so complicated!
for a nice food right now at this moment to appear before me sial!
helping out even though i've already knock off from work, cause she think it's fun. lol!
okay with lovezx already, laughs! &now, talking to him on the phoneee(:
she quarrelled with lovezx today because of that freako edwinz keep playing with me& so on. kns!
my father won't object our relationship after time(s) passed by. Sighs!
that company people won't keep disiaosiao me and lovelove during work time le! lol!
she's going to company now to accompany lovelove to eat dinner! lol!