19Friends 17Fans
female Japan
Joyce-ster says
15 years ago 2
plurk plurk once again!
Joyce-ster wants
15 years ago
to be famous! hahas.. who doesnt? (tears)<<cute
Joyce-ster loves
15 years ago
typing song lyrics hohohohoho (cozy)
Joyce-ster says
15 years ago
Where are you now, cause im thinking of you.You show me how to live like i do. If it wasnt for you.I wouldnt be who i am.
Joyce-ster says
15 years ago 4
word is just a word until u mean what u say. love isnt love until u give it away. (griltongue)
Joyce-ster says
15 years ago
If the sun shuts down and decided not to shine no more, i would still have you.
Joyce-ster loves
15 years ago 2
stupid dancing banana (dance)
Joyce-ster says
15 years ago
wheeee i got badword>(angry) banana>(dance) yummy guy>(hungry) and pretty girl! > (griltongue)
Joyce-ster says
15 years ago
late for guitar!!!! *rush*
Joyce-ster says
15 years ago
talking to ppl about boyfrens are fun...hahahaha