7Friends 8Fans
female Framingham, MA, United States
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 3
i like my new job so far
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 2
recently ,HANA has seperation anxiety --她不肯讓我把她放進CRIB裡哭得呼天搶地的
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 3
Next Monday- start the new job..wish me luck!
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 3
company offers yoga at noon each Tuesday..but it is not free..$15 /each..i would join then.
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 1
i realize that after being a mother, i cannot help buying clothes and toys for my baby...sign!
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 4
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago
sleepy sleepy sleepy...
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 5
my mom is leaving to Taiwan tomorrow...sad !
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 18
71822Jade 分享
11 years ago 5