108Friends 123Fans
female Tampa, FL, United States
4byoung is
16 years ago
watching Sci Fi and checking in to Plurk world.
4byoung thinks
16 years ago
The Second Life Plurkshop tonight was great!
4byoung thinks
16 years ago 1
I'll have to make more time for Plurk than I have lately.
4byoung wonders
16 years ago 3
if anyone has a Flip video camera and where you got it? And how you like it?
4byoung wonders
16 years ago
If some brains are more 'vertical' (Twitter) or 'horizontal' (Plurk)?
4byoung wonders
16 years ago 5
Is Plurk a too confusing to new microbloggers? Should they try Twitter first & then 'graduate' to Plurk?
4byoung is
16 years ago 3
Stopping in to say hello after being away for a while.
4byoung is
16 years ago 1
having trouble reading the responses to everyone's plurks. :-(
4byoung is
16 years ago 4
thinking about seeing Get Smart
4byoung is
16 years ago 10
Finding Plurk is not as easy to start using as Twitter but looks like it might be better for conversations