111Friends 152Fans
female Kuantan, Malaysia
~a teen that likes to do everything at a same time
~CRAZY about music, food, friends ,family , fun & future
~PROUD to be Malaysian-Chinese.
3lexis@_@ says
13 years ago
oh im hungry!!! what uguys have for DINNER? :-D
3lexis@_@ asks
13 years ago 26
https://images.plurk.com/3782011_fd6e64655003465ed0dbfe4bfdb17762.jpg any opinions???
3lexis@_@ hopes
13 years ago
her friends plays & adds her in Plurk =)
3lexis@_@ says
13 years ago
deepavali is coming!!! aaa~~~i smell CURRY!!! =DDDD
3lexis@_@ says
13 years ago 3
long time did nt plurk, my plurk page nids to GOTONG ROYONG!!!
3lexis@_@ says
13 years ago
IM BACCCK!!! ohno my karma is 0 AGAIN. :'-( nvm lets increase it GOGOGOGO!!! (woot)
3lexis@_@ says
14 years ago 1
happy teacheres day EVIBADI!!!
3lexis@_@ says
14 years ago
im feeling soooo W.E.I.R.D
3lexis@_@ says
14 years ago 5
F.U.C.K = Focus Untuk Capai Kejayaan.
3lexis@_@ is
14 years ago
helping mom to mince a bunch of STUPID GARLICS!!!!!! (angry)