35Friends 179Fans
female The Coolest Part of, FL, United States
Skills: Being a wife and mom, poker, skiing, listening, and finding lost items.
Non-skills: Anything craft-related, cleaning, dancing, decorating of any kind or gardening.
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2Manyboyz says
13 years ago 12
thanks, genea, for this new guy: (jazzhands) Now I just need to come up with a fitting plurk to incorporate him. (thinking)
2Manyboyz says
13 years ago 4
well, it *started* out a Weight Watchers recipe. (blush)
2Manyboyz says
13 years ago 15
it needs to be done fast. Like ripping off a band-aid, right? (goodluck)
2Manyboyz says
13 years ago 4
eyes...closing.Must.Wake.Up. (:
2Manyboyz has
13 years ago 10
a sparkly, new six-year-old, today. (party) :-)) (party)
2Manyboyz says
13 years ago 5
let the birthday treat-making begin! With 2 bdays in 2 days, we get our fill of sweet treats. (dance)
2Manyboyz has
13 years ago 4
managed to sleep in and still feel grim & grumpy. At least the kids are home all day and there's a thunderstorm to help my mood. (annoyed)
2Manyboyz will
13 years ago 14
soon begin making the doughnuts. Who wants?
2Manyboyz thinks
13 years ago 7
opened cans of Honey Roasted Almonds are a bad, bad thing. (hungry)
13 years ago 3
does not recommend reading a non-fiction regarding the Titanic, right after booking a 4-day cruise. (blush)