thinking about getting rid of plurk b/c it's become a waste of time...losing karma and noone ever responds.
to know from all those not in the united states...what they think of the political race here in the u.s. ?!?!?!?!
got drunk and made out with her coworker last night and made a date with another coworker that a bad thing?
laughs at those who really think B.Obama is going to bring change. McCain/Palin '08
sick...extremely stressed out...and I don't care about karma's a waste of time to worry about when I'm worrying enough already.
when she goes back to school she isn't behind.
to know what you did for post-high, trade school, or just entered the work force and what you studied or the job you took.
sick of everyone around her having love and she's stuck being lonely like always! I just don't understand why I'm so disgusting.
understands funerals aren't fun...but...why did they make her have to go up to the casket...worst thing ever!!
's grandpa is officially in the dirt.