6Friends 81Fans
male Vallejo, CA, United States
likes games, movies, books, books with pictures, and working in a video game store.. mostly. ask me about my clones!
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 9
well that couldnt have gone worse if it was planned a month in advance. ill be surprised if i make it to friday.
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 3
irony: the copters GI JOE fly in the cartoon are Cobras
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 3
well... thats just dandy. the new manger im going to work for has it out for me. if he does not like me in 2 weeks hes gonna try to can me
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 1
with the NVGs on i look at my floor and see alot of stains that look like blood from a murder. 6th sense goggles. badass
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 1
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 1
MW2 has multicam. :.) im so happy
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 1
TF141 is just GIJOE with its colorful names and what not
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago 4
totly forgot i bought another system last night.. huh should get around to plugging that in some time
193028(Frosty) is
15 years ago
off to work yay
193028(Frosty) is
15 years ago 17
too excited. got all my kit packed now i just gotta wait to go to work