28Friends 609Fans
female Banff, AB, Canada
Geek - maybe more dweeb
Picture taker
11 years ago 1
Oh look, real life Jäger. https://images.plurk.com/d4fA-qr3tG83T1SftLKtBrbogl.jpg
01101001 has
11 years ago 17
only one more week until I go home again. I'm trying to keep my head up because it is a week but it feels like more far away than a month. :'-(
01101001 wonders
11 years ago 6
why I thought that thirty day squat challenge would be a good idea?
01101001 wishes
11 years ago 6
everyone a very good morning! I'm late for school!!
01101001 wishes
11 years ago 4
everyone a good morning and happy Wednesday!
01101001 wonders
11 years ago 2
why the heck people get so caught up in how much things are worth monetarily. The best things in life are the ones that mean the most to YOU.
11 years ago 9
the dog is crazy! Just left the room for a few moments ... come back to find the dog has his head buried in the ranch dip jar eating the contents.
01101001 wants
11 years ago 17
to play on a new WoW server. Any recommendations?
01101001 says
11 years ago 16
its been forever since I've been here and I feel so very bad for that. See, I was being abused by the guy I was married to and I was in a very big denial about it.
01101001 hates
12 years ago
it when the people I play against in Draw Something write their clues instead. Its not Write Something ffs! X-(