I don't belong here, or here, or here, or here, or there, or there, or anywhere.
latest #9
why? If so..make ur own haven aja dil..ajak2 y tp hehe
haven? were you trying to say "heaven"?
Setau gw haven sm heaven tuh sm aja..like centre n center gt..cmiiw
Knp lo nrasa jd outkast dil?bkna lo pny byk temen?
Knp lo nrasa jd outkast dil?bkna lo pny byk temen?
beda lah tong. haven tuh tempat berteduh.
Oic..kan uda cmiiw..thx hehe..so knp nrasa jd outkast dil?
apaan tuh cmiiw? typing style lo aneh yah?
Correct Me If Im Wrong..singkatan2 gt, mcm imho, imo, lol hehe
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