hopeiscoming4me is
15 years ago
having a discussion with a fellow Catholic (of the dissenting but "I'm still practicing" sort) about continuity in the Church.
latest #10
15 years ago
she claims the Church used to REQUIRE a person to confess before EVERY reception of the Eucharist... even venial sins
15 years ago
I said this is a good and pious practice, but I can find nothing by way of documentation for the Church ever REQUIRING such
15 years ago
There's a lot of misinformation out there, and sometimes they won't listen, no matter what you say
15 years ago
Just pray for her. she'll be more tenacious than a pitbull with a child in its teeth if you press the issue
15 years ago
I think there may have been a widespread impression among the laity that something like that was required
15 years ago
Many people prior to VII even attending mass regularly, didn't go to communion very often because of the fast and emphasis on proper recptn
15 years ago
Not totally a bad thing. But now we are much too far the other way.
15 years ago
I still remember my Dad and Mom going to confession almost every Sat. - course now they go once a year
15 years ago
Anyway, I wouldn't be too surprised on your friends misunderstanding. Just correct her by explaining how SERIOUSLY people were taught to
15 years ago
take the Eucharist in those times.
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