Jacqui.M thinks
15 years ago
it was sad how chris's parents went to go visit the bus
latest #16
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
at first when reading about them i got the impression that they didnt really care all that much about chris to let him disappear like that
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
but after reading the end i realized how much they really cared/loved chris and its pretty sad that he never even told them where he was
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
going. he owed them that much.
LizzW says
15 years ago
yeah i feel the same, i feel that his parents were trying to hide how much they were hurt, like they wanted everyone to think they were okay
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
yea i agree, its werid though cuz it sed that they noticed him pulling away from them and youd think theyd try harder to keep him close
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
then again they prolly thought it was helping him to stay farther away and thats partly true
LizzW says
15 years ago
yeah i bet they didnt even realize what was going on with him until it was too late..i bet they feel like they didnt do their job as parents
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
yea, i cant imagine how hard that would be, to find out your kid ,that you havent seen in months, is dead. i dont agree with the way chris
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
chose to handle this. he claims he loves his parents but then he sprung this on them with no regard with what happened to him
LizzW says
15 years ago
yeah, i think if it were my kid id never really get over it..even though they hired a private investigator, i think they shouldve d
LizzW says
15 years ago
done more to try and find him..i dont know what though
msskiv says
15 years ago
i don't know how i'd deal with that. people always say the worst thing in the world is to bury a child
msskiv says
15 years ago
horrible thing to do to your parents!!
LizzW says
15 years ago
i know, i wouldnt even think of doing that to my parents!
Jacqui.M says
15 years ago
you cant really plan it though, but it must be terrible! and i hope i never have to go through that or put my parents though that
LizzW says
15 years ago
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