tackehi hopes
15 years ago
Next time, I wish I will win 7-11 etax more money on 25 July and we will have a big dish! :-D
latest #10
anson92 says
15 years ago
I hope so. cheer!!! (LOL)
ET~ says
15 years ago
太康alaway say: "對不對? 對阿對啊!!"~~很像政治人物ㄟ!!凍選凍選 (dance)
歐騰桂™ says
15 years ago
凍選凍選 (dance)
RechelYang says
15 years ago
I very wish you will win 7-11 etax more money on 25 July because I want to drink 烏龍綠茶
tackehi says
15 years ago
ET, Do you like milk? 對不對? :-P
tackehi says
15 years ago
You will have one in July,if....,RechelYang ah! :-)
tackehi says
15 years ago
Jenming, ;-). You got it!haha..
歐騰桂™ says
15 years ago
太康 your karma value over 20 soon...
tackehi says
15 years ago
Until now, no,hichic.. :'-(, it lacks 0.33khakha... (LOL)
歐騰桂™ says
15 years ago
haha~ET is a good template(dance)
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