「PayPal 的調解中心」又限時間, 沒有一點英語能力的, 沒有反應或時間到了, 就沒有退款, 就沒有人會理消費者.
由 買家: 在 2009/5/8 11:48 GMT+08:00
I have not receive my book.
Where is it?
Where could I find it ?
由 賣家: SB Online Ltd 在 2009/5/8 17:47 GMT+08:00
Sorry for the delay with this order.
I have checked into this and can confirm that your item was dispatched & should be there very shortly.
If this doesn't show up within 21 days from the date of your order we will dispatch a replacement order to you or
advise how to get refunding of the full cost of your order.
Is the delivery address correct?
You may want to have a word with your local post depot it could have been taken back there by the postman
if he had a problem delivering this has happened before not all postmen leave a card.
Printed: YES
Complete Photo Guide to Window Top Treatments : Do-It-Y
Warm Regards, Vicky
The Saint Book Store
中英文地址都給了, 那 eBay 他們是怎麼傳給賣家的??
由 買家: 在 2009/5/28 09:23 GMT+08:00
I still have not received my books.
Please provide any available information,
Let me be tracking my package.
EBay may loss my address,
I attached my address: <用郵局轉的英文住址>
MY Mobile : <手機>
由 買家: 在 2009/5/28 09:58 GMT+08:00
Refundment is not the only way to solve the problem.
I need this book.
Maybe we can communicate with each other until received my book.
Delivery address is incorrect.
由 買家: 在 2009/5/28 10:05 GMT+08:00
The problem have not solved.
I can not close this session, even time is up.
由 PayPal: PayPal 在 2009/5/28 11:50 GMT+08:00
真的是學到了, eBay 跟 Paypal 處理事情的方式.
人家博克萊訂外國的書一二週就到了, 而且銷售與物流的狀態表達的清清楚楚.
只能怪自己時間沒有掌握好, 再加上語文能力不夠好.